A week or so ago I received a year in review Christmas letter from a dear friend. I love these letters where the writer starts in January and moves through the year until December recounting what s/he and the rest of the family did all year long. Personally, I’ve never written a letter like that, but I always enjoy reading them from others.
Today, this first year of the New Year, I had the idea to write one of those letters for this year – 2019 – today. Yes, that’s not a typo. The idea came sailing into my mind while doing dishes earlier. What if I write the year in review letter for 2019 BEFORE it happens? Kind of like a message in a bottle sent to my subconscious to get on board with my excitement for the new year. And, boy, do I have a LOT of excitement for this year before me!
It’s been approximately two and half hours since the idea sailed in and I have considered it. I am DEFINITELY going to jump on it! I imagine that it will come out in a stream of consciousness and I can go back, look at it, and refine.
Whether you are reading this on January 1 or March 31 or even August 11, you can write the year in review today! How many times do we look back on a year and wonder, Where did the time go? I wish I would have started sooner. Or, I wish I did X.
You CAN.
Start NOW.
Do it TODAY!
I am!
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